You can send your surveys to a list of customer phone numbers. The survey will send via SMS text message with a link to your survey. Recipients can click on the link and complete the survey without signing in.

1. Log in to your Feedbackly Dashboard

2. Click the 'channel management' tab on the left side of the screen

3. Click 'new feedback channel' and select 'SMS list'




4. Click 'add phone numbers' and either manually enter numbers or bulk upload with a CSV file




5. When you create and publish your survey to this SMS channel, configure your message in the SMS settings




6. Publish your survey and your SMS messages will be sent!

NOTE: Once a survey is published to this channel, the SMS will be sent and this action cannot be undone. The survey can still be edited afterwards. You can add SMS credits by clicking the "TOP UP" button at the bottom of the SMS settings page.